Alphabet City

Alphabet City

Directed by Amos Poe • 1984 • United States
Starring Vincent Spano, Michael Winslow, Kate Vernon

Nineteen-year-old Johnny (Vincent Spano) is a New York City drug kingpin with the white Pontiac Firebird to prove it. But when he decides to go straight, he finds that the mob that made him isn’t going to let him off that easily. Pioneering punk filmmaker Amos Poe (THE BLANK GENERATION) brings a surfeit of style and attitude to this luridly expressionistic gangster saga set on the neon-splashed mean streets of a pregentrification East Village. The echt-’80s synth-pop soundtrack is by Chic’s Nile Rodgers.

Alphabet City
  • Alphabet City

    Directed by Amos Poe • 1984 • United States
    Starring Vincent Spano, Michael Winslow, Kate Vernon

    Nineteen-year-old Johnny (Vincent Spano) is a New York City drug kingpin with the white Pontiac Firebird to prove it. But when he decides to go straight, he finds that the mob that made him isn’t go...