Archival Treasures

Archival Treasures

Archival Treasures
  • Julien Duvivier on PÉPÉ LE MOKO

    This interview with director Julien Duvivier, in which he discusses his career and PÉPÉ LE MOKO, was conducted for the French television program “Cinépanorama” in 1962.

  • Remembering Jean Gabin

    Presented here are excerpts from Creative Arts Television’s 1978 documentary REMEMBERING JEAN GABIN. Originally broadcast on the television program “Camera Three,” these clips feature filmmaking colleagues discussing the legendary actor and the impact of his role as Pépé in PÉPÉ LE MOKO.

  • Split Screen: S5-E4 Lars Von Trier is Dogmatic

    Adam and Jo’s stuffed animal take on THE ENGLISH PATIENT; a rare visit with brilliant and phobic director Lars von Trier; Amy Elliott and Lizzy Donius visit volcanologists in Hawaii who film lava; Northwestern Airlines indie movie channel. Original airdate 09/14/1998

  • Making HÔTEL DU NORD

    This program, aired by “Au cinéma ce soir” and directed by Solange Peter, was made to present HÔTEL DU NORD to audiences when that film aired on French television on April 7, 1972. It features interviews with director Marcel Carné, screenwriter Henri Jeanson, and actors Arletty and Jean-Pierre Au...

  • Jean Renoir, le patron: La règle et l’exception

    In 1966, Jacques Rivette produced three episodes for the French television series “Cinéastes de notre temps,” grouped under the title “Jean Renoir, le patron.” “La règle et l’exception,” which aired on February 8, 1967, is the second of the three. In it, Renoir discusses THE RULES OF THE GAME wit...

  • Marlon Riggs on POV

  • Vanilla Sex

    Directed by Cheryl Dunye • 1992 • United States
    Starring Cheryl Dunye

    The filmmaker muses on the slang term of the title: is it who you do, or what you do?

  • AFI’s Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Frank Capra

    In 1982, the American Film Institute presented its tenth lifetime achievement award to director Frank Capra, at an event hosted by actor James Stewart and attended by the Capra family as well as actors Claudette Colbert, Bette Davis, and Peter Falk and cinematographer Joseph Walker. The following...

  • Chantal Akerman: On Filmmaking

    The following footage is excerpted from “Chantal Akerman par Chantal Akerman,” a 1997 episode of the French television program “Cinéma, de notre temps.”

  • MODERN TIMES Outtake: Crossing the Street

  • The Oshima Gang

    This behind-the-scenes featurette was produced in 1983 and includes interviews with MERRY CHRISTMAS MR. LAWRENCE actors David Bowie and Tom Conti, author Laurens van der Post, director Nagisa Oshima, and producer Jeremy Thomas, among others.

  • Chris Marker on VERTIGO

    VERTIGO features prominently in director Chris Marker’s 1983 SANS SOLEIL, but Alfred Hitchcock’s film also exerts an influence on LA JETÉE, which Marker made twenty years earlier. This excerpt from the contemporary French television series “Court-circuit (le magazine)” explores Marker’s ongoing f...

  • Barbara Loden on “The Dick Cavett Show,” 1971

    This episode of “The Dick Cavett Show” features a guest appearance by director Barbara Loden promoting WANDA. It airead March 4, 1971.

  • Francesco Rosi on Gian Maria Volontè

    On April 4, 2014, critic and filmmaker Marco Spagnoli recorded the last on-camera interview given by director Francesco Rosi. In the following segments from the documentary Spagnoli created from that interview, Rosi discusses his collaboration with actor Gian Maria Volontè on CHRIST STOPPED AT EB...

  • Stefania Sandrelli DIVORCE ITALIAN STYLE Screen Test

    Presented here is rare footage of actor Stefania Sandrelli’s screen test for DIVORCE ITALIAN STYLE.

  • Ingmar Bergman on WILD STRAWBERRIES

    This introduction to WILD STRAWBERRIES was created in 2003 as part of a series of introductions that Marie Nyreröd recorded with Ingmar Bergman to many of his films. Shot in Bergman’s screening room on Fårö Island, these pieces were designed to precede the films when shown on Swedish television.

  • David Cronenberg, 1981

    In the following excerpts from the March 10, 1981, episode of his popular CBC talk show, Bob McLean talks to director David Cronenberg about the recent release of SCANNERS and some of his earlier films.

  • Melvin Van Peebles, 1971

    In this segment from the television show “Detroit Tubeworks,” director Melvin Van Peebles promotes his film SWEET SWEETBACK’S BAADASSSSS SONG on the occasion of its Detroit opening weekend, in 1971.

  • “Cinépanorama”: Alain Delon, 1962

    This interview with actor Alain Delon, conducted and directed by François Chalais, first aired on the French television program “Cinépanorama” on November 24, 1962. Delon discusses working with director René Clément, with whom he would make four films: PURPLE NOON (1960), THE JOY OF LIVING (1961)...

  • Split Screen: Christopher Walken Cooks

    Christopher Walken cooks with Julian Schnabel and a guy named Cha-Cha. From Season 9, Episode 1.

  • Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni on “The Dick Cavett Show,” 1977

    Actors Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni had famous on-screen chemistry and appeared in many films together. While in New York to promote A SPECIAL DAY, they recorded an interview for “The Dick Cavett Show.” The resulting hour-long conversation was shown over two episodes, originally broadcas...

  • Split Screen: S8-E2 Godzilla Revealed

    A visit with Japanese actor Haruo Nakajima, better known as the original Godzilla; T. J. and Beth Larson take a look at the filmmaking juggernaut that is Billy Graham Ministries; Maggie Hadleigh-West’s profile on Karen Riposo and her multiracial children’s performing arts program featuring Jacob ...