Directed by Nicolas Roeg • 1988 • United Kingdom
Starring Theresa Russell, Gary Oldman, Christopher Lloyd
The ever-provocative Nicolas Roeg brings his flair for the strange, the kinky, and the surreal to this outré Oedipal psychodrama. Unhappily married to a neglectful husband (Christopher Lloyd) more interested in his model train set than in her, the troubled Linda (Theresa Russell) finds herself tormented by the memory of the baby she gave up for adoption when she was a teenager. When Martin (Gary Oldman), a young man claiming to be her long-lost son, enters her life, Linda is drawn into a twisted relationship with him—one marked by obsession, violence, and forbidden desire.
Up Next in Directed by Nicolas Roe
Roeg on Roeg
Trade Secrets: Nicolas Roeg and Jerem...
Director Nicolas Roeg and producer Jeremy Thomas discuss the making of BAD TIMING in this rare on-camera interview, conducted in London, in 2004.