The Day They Tried Alcohol
Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
This short educational film was produced by Vignette Films, one of the first Black-owned film companies. Its members were Leo Sullivan, Norman Edelen, Richard Allen, and Floyd Norman.
Up Next in Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
The Right to Legal Counsel
This short educational film was produced by Vignette Films, one of the first Black-owned film companies. Its members were Leo Sullivan, Norman Edelen, Richard Allen, and Floyd Norman.
Public Service Message
This short public service announcement was produced by Vignette Films, one of the first Black-owned film companies. Its members were Leo Sullivan, Norman Edelen, Richard Allen, and Floyd Norman.
Directed by Michael Fiore and Erik Sharkey • 2016 • United States
Starring Floyd NormanIn 1956, Floyd Norman made history when he became the first Black animator to be hired by Disney, where he worked on such classics as SLEEPING BEAUTY and 101 DALMATIANS before being selected by Walt Disney hi...