Jack Goes Boating

Jack Goes Boating

Directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman • 2010 • United States
Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Ryan, John Ortiz

The sole feature directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman is a sensitive, superbly acted look at the complexities of human connection, adapted from the off-Broadway play by Robert Glaudini. Reprising the same role he played onstage, Hoffman stars as Jack, a shy, lonely limousine driver whose life begins to change when his best friend, Clyde (John Ortiz), introduces him to the equally timid Connie (Amy Ryan). As Jack and Connie attempt to overcome their emotional barriers to forge a real bond, Clyde and his wife, Lucy (Daphne Rubin-Vega), see their own marriage start to fray—a situation that forces all involved to evaluate their relationships to one another.

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Jack Goes Boating
  • Jack Goes Boating

    Directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman • 2010 • United States Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Ryan, John Ortiz

    The sole feature directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman is a sensitive, superbly acted look at the complexi...