Directed by Karel Zeman
Journey to the Beginning of Time
Made in 2019, this program featuring animation filmmaker John Stevenson introduces viewers to the core elements of director Karel Zeman’s work.
Up Next in Journey to the Beginning of Time
The Birth of a Film Legend
Produced by the Karel Zeman Museum in 2019, these short documentaries feature new and archival interviews with Zeman, actor Zdeněk Husták, artist Ludmila Zeman, and others on the production, effects, and restoration of JOURNEY TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME.
Why Zeman Made the Film
Produced by the Karel Zeman Museum in 2019, these short documentaries feature new and archival interviews with Zeman, actor Zdeněk Husták, artist Ludmila Zeman, and others on the production, effects, and restoration of JOURNEY TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME.
Where the Film Was Shot
Produced by the Karel Zeman Museum in 2019, these short documentaries feature new and archival interviews with Zeman, actor Zdeněk Husták, artist Ludmila Zeman, and others on the production, effects, and restoration of JOURNEY TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME.