THX 1138
Leaving February 28
1h 28m
Directed by George Lucas • 1971 • United States
Starring Robert Duvall, Donald Pleasence, Don Pedro Colley
Before STAR WARS, director George Lucas created this haunting vision of the future starring Academy Award winner Robert Duvall. In the twenty-fifth century, humans exist in a computer-controlled subterranean world where emotions are outlawed, mind-numbing drugs are mandated, and no one has a name, only an alphanumeric designation. But one man, THX 1138 (Duvall), secretly resists his drug regimen and commits the cardinal crime against the state—he experiences love. The film is presented here in its director’s cut.
Up Next in Leaving February 28
Fear City
Directed by Abel Ferrara • 1984 • United States
Starring Tom Berenger, Melanie Griffith, Billy Dee WilliamsCult auteur Abel Ferrara offers a bracing plunge into the sordid neon underbelly of 1980s Times Square in this stylishly pulpy neonoir sleazefest. There’s a psychopath loose on the streets...
a still place
Directed by Christopher Makoto Yogi • 2020 • United States
Produced during the making of Christopher Makoto Yogi’s feature AUGUST AT AKIKO’S, A STILL PLACE is a filmed meditation in Akiko Masuda’s zendo on Hawai‘i Island that listens to the island awaken as the sun rises.
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock • 1948 • United States
Starring James Stewart, John Dall, Farley GrangerIn this charged thriller inspired by the notorious case of Leopold and Loeb, two Manhattan college friends (John Dall and Farley Granger) strangle a classmate for intellectual kicks and then pro...