The Velvet Vampire
Leaving March 31
1h 20m
Directed by Stephanie Rothman • 1971 • United States
Starring Celeste Yarnall, Michael Blodgett, Sherry E. DeBoer
Toeing the line between exploitation and art cinema, Stephanie Rothman’s follow-up to her hit THE STUDENT NURSES deconstructs vampire mythology with a subversive feminist spirit and dreamily poetic visual style. California yuppies Susan (Sherry E. DeBoer) and Lee Ritter (Michael Blodgett) are delighted to accept an invitation from the mysterious Diane LeFanu (the transfixing Celeste Yarnall) to visit her secluded desert estate. Unaware that the seductive Diane is actually a centuries-old vampire, the couple soon realize that they are both the objects of her cravings.
Up Next in Leaving March 31
Day of the Dead
Directed by George A. Romero • 1985 • United States
Starring Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Joseph PilatoIn the third film in writer-director George A. Romero’s Living Dead saga (after NIGHT and DAWN), a small group of scientists and soldiers have taken refuge in an underground missile silo, w...
Directed by Arthur J. Bressan Jr. • 1985 • United States
Starring Geoff Edholm, David Schachter, Billy LuxThe first feature-length drama about AIDS remains an urgent and timeless record of an entire era in gay history. When twenty-five-year-old gay yuppie David (David Schachter) volunteers to b...
Loose Corner
Directed by Anita Thacher • 1986 • United States
Starring Catherine Lloyd, Owen Roth, Jeffree ClappLike the challenges to our assumptions posed by “Alice in Wonderland,” issues of scale, materiality, and relationships are raised within a child’s “game-like” structure in this film/installation w...