Directed by Michael Mann • 1986 • United States
Starring William Petersen, Kim Greist, Joan Allen
Michael Mann’s hypnotic, hyperstylized adaptation of Thomas Harris’s novel “Red Dragon” was the first film to introduce audiences to the infamous Hannibal Lecter. Will Graham (William Petersen) is a former FBI criminal profiler who is coaxed out of retirement to assist in the investigation of a serial killer known as the Tooth Fairy (Tom Noonan). In order to understand the killer’s motivations, Graham must turn to the man who originally ended his career and who haunts his past: the brilliant, charismatic, and psychopathic cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecktor (Brian Cox).
Directed by Michael Mann • 1986 • United States
Starring William Petersen, Kim Greist, Joan AllenMichael Mann’s hypnotic, hyperstylized adaptation of Thomas Harris’s novel “Red Dragon” was the first film to introduce audiences to the infamous Hannibal Lecter. Will Graham (William Petersen) is a...