Directed by John Palmer and David Weisman • 1972 • United States
Starring Edie Sedgwick, Wesley Hayes, Isabel Jewell
Warhol superstar and icon of sixties bohemia Edie Sedgwick delivers her final performance in this semiautobiographical look at the price of fame. Fiction and documentary—including snippets from Sedgwick’s own audio dairies—mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar (Sedgwick), a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral. Released after her death from an overdose of barbiturates, CIAO! MANHATTAN endures as a testament to Sedgwick’s unique magnetism and as a haunting elegy for the counterculture she embodied.
Up Next in New York Stories
Directed by Brian De Palma • 1973 • United States
Starring Margot Kidder, Jennifer Salt, Charles DurningMargot Kidder is Danielle, a beautiful model separated from her Siamese twin, Dominique. When a hotshot reporter (Jennifer Salt) suspects Dominique of a brutal murder, she becomes dangerously...
News from Home
Directed by Chantal Akerman • 1976 • United States
Following her time living in New York in the early 1970s, Chantal Akerman returned to the city to create one of her most elegantly minimalist and profoundly affecting meditations on dislocation and estrangement. Over a series of exactingly compo...
Town Bloody Hall
Directed by Chris Hegedus • 1979 • United States
Starring Norman Mailer, Germaine Greer, Jacqueline CeballosOn April 30, 1971, a standing-room-only crowd of New York’s intellectual elite packed the city’s Town Hall theater to see Norman Mailer—fresh from the controversy over his essay “The Pris...