L.A. Confidential
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2h 17m
Directed by Curtis Hanson • 1997 • United States
Starring Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, Kevin Spacey
Perhaps the finest neonoir since CHINATOWN, Curtis Hanson’s masterful adaptation of the novel by James Ellroy brings the sleazy underbelly of 1950s Los Angeles to the screen with sizzle and punch. Following a bloody mass murder early in the New Year, three detectives in the corrupt LA police force find themselves drawn into a web of scandal and violence. Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) makes money on the side by setting up celebrity arrests so that Sid Hudgens (Danny DeVito) can scoop them in his gossip magazine. Officer Bud White (Russell Crowe) will break any rule to bring criminals to justice. And Ed Exley (Guy Pearce) will do anything to get ahead as long as it’s by the book. The way Hanson orchestrates each piece of this taut, multistrand storyline is a thing of hard-boiled beauty.
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The Trial
Directed by Orson Welles • 1962 • France, Italy, Yugoslavia
Starring Anthony Perkins, Jeanne Moreau, Elsa MartinelliA feverishly inspired take on Franz Kafka’s novel, Orson Welles’s THE TRIAL casts Anthony Perkins as the bewildered office drone Josef K., whose arrest for an unspecified crime pl...
The Insider
Directed by Michael Mann • 1999 • United States
Starring Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Christopher PlummerBased on a true story, Michael Mann’s coolly riveting exposé of corporate corruption recounts the chain of events that pitted an ordinary man against the tobacco industry and dragged two people...
Directed by Lee Chang-dong • 2010 • South Korea
Starring Yoon Jeong-hee, Lee Da-wit, Kim Hee-raLee Chang-dong’s follow-up to his acclaimed SECRET SUNSHINE is an exquisite story about the power of art to bear witness to both sublime beauty and the violent truths that lie hidden in the hearts of ...