The Decline of Western Civilization Part III
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1h 26m
Directed by Penelope Spheeris • 1998 • United States
With the final installment of her DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION trilogy, Penelope Spheeris focuses on the gutter-punk lifestyle of homeless teenagers in Los Angeles. Turning her attention away from the famous musicians profiled in the first two films of the trilogy and toward their fans on the margins of society, Spheeris plumbs the comedy and the tragedy of characters who live by Johnny Rotten’s “No Future” mantra.
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The Decline of Western Civilization P...
Directed by Penelope Spheeris • 1988 • United States
The second in Penelope Spheeris’s trilogy on alternative LA, THE METAL YEARS takes a fast-paced look at the outrageous heavy metal scene of the late eighties. Set in Los Angeles, the film explores the lives of struggling musicians, fans, and s...
Directed by Horace Ové • 1976 • United Kingdom
Starring Herbert Norville, Oscar James, Frank SinguineauThe fiction debut by esteemed Trinidadian-British documentarian Horace Ové marked a watershed in the history of British cinema. This gripping and immersive drama was the nation’s first feature...
The Bad and the Beautiful
Directed by Vincente Minnelli • 1952 • United States
Starring Lana Turner, Kirk Douglas, Walter PidgeonAppearances are everything in Hollywood. Kirk Douglas gives a magnetic, Oscar-nominated performance as conniving producer Jonathan Shields, who turns talent, charisma and ruthlessness into fil...