Open Mic Solitaire
Directed by Julius-Amédée Laou • 1983 • France
Starring Serge Ubrette, Marilyne Canto
Playwright Julius-Amédée Laou’s first foray into filmmaking is an explosive call to revolution in which a young Black artist—after learning that his brother has been murdered in Paris by far-right racists—hijacks a popular Franco-Caribbean radio station and takes to the airwaves, determined to speak directly to his community and shake it out of its complacency.
Open Mic Solitaire
Directed by Julius-Amédée Laou • 1983 • France
Starring Serge Ubrette, Marilyne CantoPlaywright Julius-Amédée Laou’s first foray into filmmaking is an explosive call to revolution in which a young Black artist—after learning that his brother has been murdered in Paris by far-right racists—hijac...